LeFlore County
Federation of Genealogical Societies 
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Records: 1 to 17 of 17

Closed in Observance of President's Day
Monday, February 17
Closed in Observance of President's Day  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open February 18th at 10:00 a.m.

March Monthly Meeting
Thursday, March 13
March Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Kim Robertson will present an Educational meeting following the business meeting on A Genealogical Codicil - My Last Will and Testament.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Thursday, April 10
April Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Thursday, May 8
May Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Closed in Observance of Memorial Day
Monday, May 26
Closed in Observance of Memorial Day  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Tuesday, May 27th at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, June 12
June Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Closed in Observance of Juneteenth Day
Thursday, June 19
Closed in Observance of Juneteenth Day  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Friday, June 20th at 10:00 a.m.

Closed in Observance of July 4th
Friday, July 4
Closed in Observance of July 4th  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Monday, July 7th at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, July 10
July Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Thursday, August 14
August Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Closed in Observance of Labor Day
Monday, September 1
Closed in Observance of Labor Day  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Tuesday, September 2nd at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, September 11
September Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Thursday, October 9
October Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m.. Come visit before the business meeting that starts at 5:30 p.m.
Educational meeting will follow the business meeting.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Closed in Observance of Veteran's Day
Tuesday, November 11
Closed in Observance of Veteran's Day  (Closure)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Thursday, November 13th at 10:00 a.m.

November Monthly Meeting
Thursday, November 13
November Monthly Meeting  (Monthly Meetings)
5:00 pm
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
This month is Officer/Board Elections? Please be present if you can! Members in good standing can vote in the election.
Cookies and Conversation starts at 5:00 p.m. Come visit before the business meeting and the elections start.
Our meetings are open to the public.

Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 27 through Friday, November 28
Closed in Observance of Thanksgiving  (Closure)
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Monday, December 1st at 10:00 a.m.

Closed in Observance of Christmas
Wednesday, December 24 through Thursday, December 25
Closed in Observance of Christmas  (Closure)
PVGS Genealogy Library/Patrick Lynch Public Library
We will re-open Friday, December 26th at 10:00 a.m.